20 Facts You Never Knew About Beef

The United States is the top beef producing country in the world, in 2021 it accounted for roughly 20% of the worlds beef production. 2. In 2021, Texas had the most beef cows in the United States followed by Oklahoma, Missouri, Nebraska & South Dakota. 3. Brazil, the European Union and China followed behind the […]

How important is water to cattle?

As humans we understand that water is a vital source of life; we need clean, drinkable water to survive. Our bodies are made up of 60% of it after all.  According to the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine the recommended amount for humans is 3.7 liters for men and 2.7 liters for […]

Why Beef is Good for You

Most people will know that beef is categorized as a red meat, which means it has a high iron content, higher than any fish or chicken. But what else makes beef nutritious? Well, lean beef is rich in various vitamins and minerals. According to healthline, moderate beef intake can be recommended as part of a […]

Why beef can be eaten rare

There can be some confusion about which meat and which cuts of meat can be eaten rare. Beef tartare, for example, is a popular dish in some European countries and consists of raw minced beef with spices and vegetables. However, restaurants serving this dish use only the highest quality beef from a select few butchers. […]